
FreeSIMCardService==*Youcanuseup-to500MBdatawithin15daysforfree.YoucanpickuptheWAmazingSIMatmostofthemajorairportsinJapan.,2023年5月4日—日本最早提供外國人免費網路SIM卡服務的就是JapanWelcomeSIMCard,出發日本前先使用電腦或手機申辦註冊,並可藉由瀏覽廣告和填寫問券來獲得額外的免費 ...,2023年8月31日—開卡步驟大致如下:先打開APP,點選「開卡」並等待頁面跳轉後,以手機的相機功能掃描讀取SIM卡上的「ICCID」...


Free SIM Card Service == * You can use up-to 500MB data within 15 days for free. You can pick up the WAmazing SIM at most of the major airports in Japan.

【免費SIM卡索取】遊日本免費上網,3款外國旅客網卡Japan ...

2023年5月4日 — 日本最早提供外國人免費網路SIM卡服務的就是Japan Welcome SIM Card,出發日本前先使用電腦或手機申辦註冊,並可藉由瀏覽廣告和填寫問券來獲得額外的免費 ...

3分鐘輕鬆拎免費日本上網卡!完美行SIM卡嘅拎卡&開卡步驟 ...

2023年8月31日 — 開卡步驟大致如下:先打開APP,點選「開卡」並等待頁面跳轉後,以手機的相機功能掃描讀取SIM卡上的「ICCID」19字識別碼並安裝APN描述檔。確認內容後,按下 ...

[FREE] Grab a Free SIM Card for Japan!

Want a FREE Japanese SIM card? Explore Japan with 500MB of Free 4G Data!

WAmazing - Japan's Activities

Free SIM Card Service == * You can use up-to 500MB data within 15 days for free. You can pick up the WAmazing SIM at most of the major airports in Japan.

How can I get a SIM card?

If you would like to receive a free SIM card, download the app, create your account, and request a SIM card. You will receive a QR code after 4 hours ...

WAmazing SIM卡免費領取教學!4G上網15日任用日本22個 ...

2022年10月13日 — WAmazing 4G日本SIM卡免費領取簡單教學!15日免費任用500MB流量. WAmazing 4G日本SIM卡免費領取簡單教學!15日免費任用500MB流量.

Japan's WAmazing aims at tourists with 'free' SIM card

2017年9月7日 — Kato's startup gives away the WAmazing SIM card plus 500MB of data for free, banking on most tourists opting to pay to upgrade to 1GB or beyond.


The free SIM card comes with 500 MB of data traffic. Offering extensive coverage courtesy of DOCOMO, you can have peace of mind when sightseeing outside of the ...

日本免費SIM卡|WAmazing送你日本流動數據上網卡!20 ...

2023年3月1日 — 日本免費SIM卡|WAmazing送你日本流動數據上網卡!20個領取機場詳情 ... 日本免費SIM卡|配合日本開放自由行,日本旅遊服務平台「WAmazing」將贈送500MB SIM ...